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Questions of life and death have always been at the center of the most controversial debates in the History of mankind. The ethical problem launched by euthanasia is not recent: actually the word has it’s origin in the greek words “eu” (“good”) and “thanatos” (“death”), and its first registered use dates back to the roman historian, Suetonius, to describe Augustus Caesar’s death.


Nowadays, only 8 countries have approved euthanasia: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United States (Oregon, Vermont, California, Washington, Montana), Canada, Uruguay and Colombia


But what is this topic that stirs debates in parliaments all over the world and divides public opinion?


According to BBC, «Euthanasia is the termination of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their suffering. In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person who dies asks for it, but there are cases called euthanasia where a person can't make such a request.»



But, to have an holistic understanding over euthanasia discussion there are other concepts to domain.



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